Tuesday, December 23, 2008

If a PM falls in the woods and no one is there...?

Does anyone care to even notice?

Dateline - Ottawa, December 22, 2008

Today marked the commencement of the final days of PM Harpo.  The once mighty, and even feared, Mandarin of Sussex Avenue has not only proven that he is composed of flawed morals and is indeed, and most surprisingly, mortal.

Oh sure he has made some miscalculations - not his fault of course.  He passed a law for fixed election dates and then broke the law.  He enticed MP (negotiations took place during the election period) across the floor and put them into his cabinet, after saying he would never do that.  He leads a party of the In and Out Scandal and Cadmangate.  He declared that he would never lead the country into a deficit - then did.  He declared that Canada was strong - and then mused that we might be as far down as a depression... certainly in a recession.  He lambasted the Liberals for their spending promises (to counter the recession) and the implemented their ideas as his own.  He shuts down Parliament in the middle of a crisis to save his own job.

But now comes the piece de resistance.  The man who wants the Senate reformed and destroyed and the man who slams former PMs who appoint Senators, has gone and appointed a record number of party hacks and skiiers to suck from the taxpayers teat in the Red Chamber, thus costing Canadians over $20 million per year plus future pensions.  Among his bright light nominees is the man who can single handedly bankrupt Canada by be placed so close to the open buffet in Parliamentary dining room... CTVs one and only Mike Puffy Duffy.

Sucks to be you, don't it Steven?

Monday, December 22, 2008

What? No hockey players?

Stevey, Stevey. Stevey. 

If you are going to flip flop on your Senate appointment promise, at least appoint some hockey players.  They can stickhandle around legislative blocks and get into a fight if needed.  We did not need more bag men and lawyers. 


Friday, December 19, 2008

The sage advice from a consumate non-partisan?

Preston Manning. I can feel the chill throughout the Internet just with the mention of his name.

So what does Presto say that gets me to talking about him? In an article in today's Grope and Flail, the sage of Alberta says, in part:

The situation is now well known. Partisan overkill by the government (trying to kill the public subsidy to political parties) leads to partisan overreaction by the opposition (the creation of a coalition to bring down the government). The coalition must justify its partisan reaction on other grounds, so it claims to have formed because the government has "no plan" to address the deteriorating economy. This claim simply ignores the government's tax-relief measures, increases in health-care transfers, increased infrastructure investments, and credit and monetary initiatives.

He then goes on with his six ways to remedy the situation. I won't bore you with details. Suffice to say that the remedy includes: believing everything that Reform President Harper says; disbelieving everything that the opposition says; distrusting your brother and hugging your mother.

Manning is the President and CEO of the Manning Centre for Building Democracy. I wonder who elected him? Was his election democratic? Does he think that minority governments have more rights that the majority in Parliament? Does that sound like building democracy?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cons conning the connees

I wonder how long it will be before the Cons quit trying to slogan Canadians to death?

For almost two years the Cons called themselves Canada's New Government.  Even as they screwed up over In and Out and Cadman, they billed themselves as fresh as spring day.

Now we are at the point where Harper and the Harpettes have whitewashed themselves into a corner with their economic update, flipflops on flipflopping and shutting government down so that they can fiddle while Canada burns.  Now that they have outgrown the New Government slogan, their new gambit is Canada's Only Legitimate Government.

How long will we have to endure their bastardization of our system of government and the rewriting of our history?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Who says our schools are inclusive?

Cons go to the attack... again

It took the Cons about 30 seconds to whip out the attack ads against Ignatieff.  This comes about 20 seconds after Harper declared that he wanted cooperation between the "major parties".

Great!  And the talk shows are pushing it along.  Mouthpieces like CFRA's Michael Harris are convinced that they know more about being a Liberal that do real Liberals.  The grassroots of the party are beginning the long road of expanding support for the party.  The fact that the leadership at the federal level is settled (and it is settled, Michael) means that the local executives can get to work with no distractions.

Unless and until the talk show mandarins acknowledge that they are simply being mouthpieces for Adolph Harper, the real democratic process in Canada being eroded.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How much is that liar in the Parliament? The one with the forked tongue.

With an apology to Bob Merrill and Doris Day, you are supposed to sing the title of this entry.

In one of our local rags, the dynamic duo of Parliament Hill, the effervescent Screamer Baird and the ever-huggable Perfect PP. teamed up to call the opposition coalition, a group that had the temerity - the utter gall - to challenge the Cons right to screw up our democracy, as undemocratic.

The coalition, according to PP, will bring in the Green Shift carbon tax and take away the Cons cherished $100 per kid subsidy.  Never mind that the coalition is on record saying that they won't do those things, PP, none-the-less, spews the garbage.   Baird calls the coalition "irresponsible" and "an attack on our democracy".  Time to go back to school Screamer so that you might learn a bit about our form of government in Canada.

If anything was undemocratic, it was that the GG granted the Cons a peroguement of parliament for no other reason that they begged for it, lest they lose their cushy limousines and jets.

The Cons are concerned that the coalition might run a deficit to bail out problem industries in Canada.  Can't do it, says PP.  However in the Citizen, the senior local rag, PPs financial boss, Hon. J Flaherty, says that a $6 billion bailout of the Big 3 automakers can be done.  It will put the government into deficit but it can be done.

What the hell is the difference between the coalition putting us into deficit and the coalition doing it?  Answer please PP and Screamer.

Monday, December 8, 2008

History teaches us lessons

I was reading a book last evening that all Canadians should read. As I read it, I was struck by the parallel of this book to the current Crisis on the Hill.

Harper rules his caucus with an iron fist and threatens to punish anyone who disobeys him. He marginalizes the press to control the message and has worked hard to suppress or destroy his opposition.

The protagonist in the book did exactly the same things.

The book? Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler.

Did you feel a bit of a chill down your spine?

Is Benoit - Be-nuts?

The Con MP for Vegreville-Wainright, Leon Benoit appears to have had the giant Easter Egg that spins around in his riding drop on his head one time too many.

Bill Casey, the Con MP who was ousted by Harper for being too honest recently gave an example of how Harper was a control freak who consulted his caucus after decisions were made in the PMO and also warned them not to kick up any fusses if they did not like Harper's decision.

What does Benuts say about this? "Bull feathers. The sun rises and sets up Harper's ass - he told me so!" He then goes on to say that it is nonsense that the Prime Minister doesn't like opposing views. "He respects democracy. He understands very clearly, he made this point very well on election night if you look back at his speech. He made the point very clearly that we have been elected to a minority government, a stronger minority than last time, and that means we certainly, it will be important that we work with opposition parties and that's the approach that he takes."

Does Benuts kiss his kids with that mouth? Does he even listen to what he says?

Harper says one thing and does another. He declares that he will work with the opposition and then screws them for his own partisan gain. He says that he feels the pain of unemployed Canadians and then ignores them.

Harper is, by far, the worst Prime Minister this country has ever seen and, I hope, that we will ever see.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's official. Democracy is dead in Canada

Harper, bruised and bleeding from his losing battle with the opposition, has slinked off to his neighbourhood GG to plead for his form of peace.

This schoolyard bully has been tormenting duly elected MP for four years and now the MPs struck back.

So where does this leave us?  Absolutely nowhere.  The Cons have conned the GG and will spend the next 6 weeks trying to con the people of Canada.  They will be supported by the right wing press like our local CFRA freethinkers.

Democracy has died today in Canada.  The will of the majority of Canadians has been trampled on by the Cons.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Vitriol on the airwaves

I am the last person to suggest that the airwaves need to be censored but something needs to be done about the way talking heads on CFRA are allowing their callers to make slanderous and libelous comments and statements under the anonymity of the phone booth.

Shame on the heads for not stopping the rants before they slipped into the high end of the lunacy scale. Have you no professional integrity? Do you not recognize hate speech when you are slapped in the face by it? Are you so dense that you have not realized the power that you are wielding with no regard for truth, fairness, the rule of law or even common decency.

On Lowell Green's show today he lamented that no Libs or NDPers were calling him. When one did, he began to crap all over the guy; cutting off his every thought and asking the misleading questions that characterize his partisan style.

I feel sorry for Capt Sandy who advertises a ship cruise to France and Belgium on Green's show. The cruise sound fabulous but 62% of the potential customers for cruise will refuse to take part in anything that Green promotes.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I know I shouldn't do this... but...

Hey Cons... sshh... keep your voice down so that no one thinks that I like Cons.

If you want to keep your jobs and the perks of government, just do what I suggest. Cry Mea Culpa, dump Harper and select Jim Prentice as the new Con leader.

You will be suggesting that a mistake was made and dumping the bozo that made the mistake. You will also be seen as selecting a more democratic leader.

It is a win scenario for you... but you didn't hear it from me. OK?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Are Harper's days numbered?

Numbered not only as PM but also as Con leader.  Rumour has it that a group supporting Jim Prentice, who better respected in the west than is Harper, are gearing up to dump Harper because he is a dope.

Even a bigger insult is that there is a group promoting Screamer Baird for Big Boss!

And the dumb get dumber.

No time to gloat?

The awakening of Harper is a time to rejoice in Canada. There might yet be a chance for democracy.

It would be easy to say that Harper and his Gang that Couldn't Govern were brought down by their own hubris. But I choose the high road and refrain.

It would be easy to characterize the Cons as the only people in the world that could find the I in Team. But I refrain.

It would be easy pickings to suggest that an MP like Perfect PP in Nepean Carleton is right to hide under his duvet cover until this Con stupidity blows over, lest his reputation as "all things to few people" be tarnished. But I will refrain.

I could gloat over the fact that the Cons were hoisted on their own petard, but I will refrain.

What I will not refrain to do is point out to all those self-righteous Con and Libertarian supporters who mock Liberal supporters that "what goes around - comes around." Who has the laugh now?