Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hudak stays on his stupid message

Tiny Timmy was back on CFRA yesterday.  He was extolling the virtues of two of his caucus who have decided to stage a sit in at Queen's Park.  They are battling the dreaded HST legislation.  What heroes they are.  Here they are a ray of sunshine standing, or sitting, or sleeping, against an unwanted tax.

Rob Snow, who is well known for his Liberal leanings,... NOT, asked every self-serving question that Timmy could easily answer.  The only question he ignored was..."If you get elected in 2011, will you cancel the HST?"

Now, Timmy knows the sound-byte answer to this one.  He claims that the dreaded Liberals have made the HST legislation loophole resistant by putting in clauses that tie the hands of future government for 10,000 years.  Iguess no one has told him that if he forms a government he can do whatever he wants with past legislation including lower the rate.

But, you know, Timmy will hide behind his accusation because he knows that the economic mess that Ontario is currently in will not be solved by growth.  It will take tax dollars and to lower the rate or cancel the harmonization with the GST would make him dumber than Tiger.

Grow up, Timmy.