Friday, November 20, 2009

Tim Hudak should join the Leafs

Tim Hudak, the diminutive chef de la partie Conservative de Ontario (not bad french, eh?) is so good at his job as a politician that he should moonlight as a player for the Make Me Laffs.  God knows that they need help.

What leads me to this conclusion?  Timmy was on the Lardo Green show the other day wailing and lamenting about the Ontario HST.  It is ungodly... it is unclean... it is illegal... it smells of dog doo.  There was no epithet that Timmy could think of that could not be used to describe the new tax.

"So, Timmy", asks Lardo, "when you win power will you repeal the HST?"

"On the ice for the Make Me Laffs is number 666, Timmy Hudak, the darling of the limp dick crowd.  Just watch him SKATE."

Hudak will attack the HST because he is the leader of the Opposite Position and that is his job.  But would he kill it?  NO WAY.

As tough a bit of medicine that it is, even Tiny Tim knows that it is the right thing to do for the long term health of Ontario.

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