Monday, November 23, 2009

What's good for the Goose?

It is interesting to note that while governments at most levels are required by law to maintain an Access to Information or Freedom of Information facility, none of the major or minor political parties, which make up such governments, support or maintain, internally, such Freedoms or Access.

Odd thing, I'd say.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Tim Hudak should join the Leafs

Tim Hudak, the diminutive chef de la partie Conservative de Ontario (not bad french, eh?) is so good at his job as a politician that he should moonlight as a player for the Make Me Laffs.  God knows that they need help.

What leads me to this conclusion?  Timmy was on the Lardo Green show the other day wailing and lamenting about the Ontario HST.  It is ungodly... it is unclean... it is illegal... it smells of dog doo.  There was no epithet that Timmy could think of that could not be used to describe the new tax.

"So, Timmy", asks Lardo, "when you win power will you repeal the HST?"

"On the ice for the Make Me Laffs is number 666, Timmy Hudak, the darling of the limp dick crowd.  Just watch him SKATE."

Hudak will attack the HST because he is the leader of the Opposite Position and that is his job.  But would he kill it?  NO WAY.

As tough a bit of medicine that it is, even Tiny Tim knows that it is the right thing to do for the long term health of Ontario.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I think I give up!

Between the Bozos on Ottawa City Council, the non-communicators at Queen's Park and the lying bastard government on the Hill, there is not a single politician I trust or wish to vote for.  Not one.  Not a single f'ing one.

I lament for my country.  I lament for my children and grandchildren.  And I apologize to them for the utter stupidity of my generation.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lansdowne Live

Well the first hurdle for this project is past.  I have a few random thoughts on the process I thought I would share with you.

The first is that, if someone with the verbal bombastic penchant of Alex Cullen ever became mayor of Ottawa the Dark Ages would be upon us.

The second is that I am please that for once Councilor Doucette was put in his place when the mayor cut off his remarks when his time was up.  The crocodile tears, the wavering voice and the mild tantrum that he exhibited was a telling thing.  Doucette is a spoiled child in a man's body.  He is the kid who took his ball and ran home when he wasn't the centre of attention on the playground.

There appeared to be many councilors that were absent even while they were in the room.  I am thinking specifically of Councilor Desroche.  Unless he snuck in a question while was out of the room, he did not even take part in the final debate.  Oh, he made a fine speech in the closing but where was his questioning otherwise?

I mentioned at the outset that the project was past the first hurdle.  The next hurdle is the design panel headed by George Dark.  Who, you may ask, is George Dark?

He has a resume overflowing with projects and kudos.  During the final stages of he first hurdle process he was handed a series of documents on the project and wrote a report, of which I have a copy, that made all sorts of statements and assertions on how to improve the space at Lansdowne.   In general the document is good, however, in his General comments, on page 19, he makes a somewhat strange observation that makes me wonder.  He notes: "The schematic design drawings are too site plan like for public use.  The problem is they look very precise and final … like a site plan application and do not convey the conceptual ideas well.."

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the whole idea of a "schematic drawing" to look as precise as possible?

All in all the project is moving forward.  That is a good thing.  Let's just hope that it doesn't get bogged down in deciding on the colour of the drapes and making sure that they complement the sham.

That would be a sham(e).

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How dumb is Poilievre?

I reported last week that Pierre "I got my pension.. yippee" Poilievre, MP, had an ad in a recent local rag touting the Conservative Home Renovation Tax Credit. This came on the heels of the Big Cheque issue that even PM Harpo called wrong.

Now PP has decided that he needs to take his rhetoric directly to home, I guess just in case you do not read the rags. In a letter addressed to my house the smiling "Results for Himself" self-promoter says it again.

This time I will send the document to the Ethics Commissioner.