Thursday, March 4, 2010

Enough with the rhetoric. Get something done.

The Throne Speech was filled with orange marmalade but without the peel.  It tastes good but has no substance.

Take two of the lofty goals (and I don't include the change to the anthem or Senior's Day) for example.

"We will freeze public sector wages", states the document.  Sounds good on the surface but the reality is that the current civil service contract does not expire until 2011 so this promise does nothing to help our current crisis.

"We will freeze PM and MP salaries and ministerial budgets."  Sounds good but, as a result of redistribution the government is adding 26 more MPs to the payroll in the near future.  That's $50 million more dollars at a time of wage and budget freezes.  And let's not lose sight of the fact that if President Steve elevates his whole caucus to the height of Parliamentary Secretary for something or other, he can give raises without raising rates.

The devil is in the details.

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