Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cons on trial

I have to admit that I am not much of a fan of Peter Milliken, the Speaker in the House but he was recently between a rock and a hard place and he did the best he could with a rotten situation.

The issue that he was deciding was whether Canadians and parliamentarians have a right to know if the governing party can treat them like sheep.

The issue was the detainee issue. I am not going to go into the issue because I figure if you are smart enough to read this blog, you will already know the issue.

Milliken's ruling was that the government was in contempt of parliament but he did not o as far as to say that. He told the government to get their act together and work out something with the opposition with in the next two weeks.

Of course, if the government had any integrity at all they would have worked this out long before Pete's ruling.

Have I suggested in the past that the Cons are corrupt, bereft of ideas and fundamental decency? If not, I will say it now.

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