Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mulroney got it partially right.

When Brian Mulroney took the witness chair at the Ethics Committee today I noted that he passed on the offer to be sworn in. It was his choice but I wonder why he decided against it and then launched into a tirade of accusations that Mr. Schrieber lied, even though he, Schrieber, was voluntarily under oath.

But that is not important, it is just a question.

The real issue on the table is why Mulroney's former talking head, Lucky Luc, maintained that after Mulroney left office he was in dire financial straights and needed the $300,000, or $225,000 depending on who you believe, to keep his family happy and himself in Guccis? Now it turns out that Mulroney did not need the money at all. In fact the first $100,000 went into a New York safety deposit box and was used to pay the expenses for his international travel. It seems that of whatever money he received from Schrieber, he only used about $120,000 of it. Where is the rest of the money?

Also, Mulroney could not remember if he filed a US tax return on the $100,000 he stashed in New York. Maybe someone should look into that? And did he use any of that money to pay expenses that he claimed against his income tax here in Canada. Remember, it is illegal to bring more than $10,000 into Canada without declaring it, including if you wire it into Canada or write yourself a cheque.

What Mulroney did get correct is that when he first met Schrieber, he, Schreiber, was a well known business man with a large arms manufacturer and not subject to German legal charges as he is today. True enough; but Brian is not a stupid person. Why didn't his antennae go up when Schrieber offered him cash in small bills?

The soap opera continues.

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