Saturday, August 16, 2008

PP self-promotes himself into a hole

A local free rag, the Barrhaven Independent, on page 2 of the April 15 edition, has a news story entitled "Olympic Games reflect Canada's achievements". The article is by Pierre Poilievre, the dynamic MP for this area, a man who never misses a chance to shove both his feet into his mouth.

In 1984, Canada won 44 Olympic medals (OK the Russians were not there.). In 1996, we won 22 medals. In 2008... bupkis to date. According to PP's logic, Canada is worse off today than in 1996. Strange coming from a government mouth-piece.... but then again you can't argue with his conclusion.

His arguments are laughable in the article. For example, "Canadians are more unified than it has been in the past forty years", says PP. Forty years ago, and I know that he was not born at that time, Quebec was our major unity problem. Today, add Alberta, BC and Newfoundland to the list. There are even pockets in Ontario who want out. Now that's unity!

Military funding has gone up and the debt has dropped. But are Canadians better off now than 2 years ago? Has homelessness disappeared or child poverty been wiped out? Is there a plan to revitalize the crumbling infrastructure of our cities and towns? Is unemployment a thing of the past? Do the Russians care about our claim to the north? Are the three icebreakers you promised ready for delivery or have you reneged on that promise? Where are the new helicopters you promised? How much money are you investing to control the pine beetle infestation in BC. Are we on the verge of returning to fiscal deficits?

I could go on but what's the use. Politicians do and say what will get then elected and then re-elected. They do not give a hoot about Canadians as a whole. Pander to the influential... that is what it is all about.

It is time to think about voting for independent candidates in the next election. Screw party politics. It is time to strike back at the political parties.

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