Sunday, August 31, 2008

Harper is a bit right and a bit wrong

PM Harper says that the opposition will not play ball with his on his fall agenda (which is?) and, in the case of Layton and Duceppe he is right.   The NDP and the BQ have made it their mantra over the past two years that whatever the government proposes, they oppose.  They have left it to the Liberals, and the Liberals only, to keep this government alive.  Layton and Duceppe can't back down now and they can't blame this on Dion.  You make your own bed and lie down on it.

Harper, however, has to be blamed for a large portion of this mess.  His autocratic style; his decision to blame everyone else for his failings; his lack of policy for the future; and his complete disregard for the majority of Canada - who are not his constituents, have all come home to roost with the country not interested in another election.

Canadians do not care about this government or any new Canadian government.  They want change.  They want clarity.  They want ideas.  What do they get?  Same old, same old.

When defending the In and Out Scandal, the Cons say, "Everybody does it!"  If they are trying to represent change, they (the Cons) should not be doing what everyone else does.

Dion needs to represent change, but proposing change is only valuable if people understand the changes you propose.  He needs to make his plan simple and his message clear.  Can he do it?  I am not sure.

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