Sunday, February 15, 2009

Canada for Canadians

The National Battlefields folks are planning to cancel a re-enactment of the Plains of Abraham battle, a seminal event that announced the birth of Canada as we know it today. The re-enactment has been done many times in the past including in 2004. What's with the cancellation? The separatists in Quebec consider it an insult. Tough crap!

Over the past 100 years years, and especially since 1968, the St Jean Baptiste celebrations in Quebec have grown extremely political and now are considered an insult to Canadians and non-separatist-Quebecers.

The government of Quebec should cancel at STB celebrations and turn the day into a time of reflection on how stupid things are getting in Quebec - and how stupid Canada has allowed things to get in Quebec.

STB day is a hang over from the days of New France. It was a French celebration brought over. If the separatists want to celebrate STB let them go to France.

Brought to you by: The Committee to Bring a Little Respect Back to Canada - the CBLRBC.

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