Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cons are toast

When the infighting begins, the end is at hand

The social networking site has a new group that I was invited to join.  The invite came from a contact of mine who is a die-hard Con supporter. The group is labelled, "Fire CPC Staffers in the "No Youth Wing" and it shows how concerned Harper is to losing his digs at 24 Sussex and how even more concerned are the Con Hill staffers at losing their keys to the executive restrooms.

This is how the group is described: "The Conservative Party of Canada has chosen to turn a blind eye to the activities of its own staffers who - unsatisfied with only impugning the motives of grieving parents of fallen Canadian soldiers - have now decided to employ their defamatory rhetoric to create a "phony war" against fellow conservatives in the hopes of proving their loyalty to the PMO and keeping their cushy party jobs. The party cannot turn a blind eye to the activities of those under their employ. Here are the facts:

"The CPC staffers on the hill are becoming anxious about their job security. Their "No Youth Wing" facebook group is a spin-off of previous group called "Anti-AYCC" that was deleted by facebook for its defamatory content against at least one conservative. Most of the people on this "new group" are CPC Hill staffers. The campus clubs that supposedly support their group would require an executive meeting and a vote to do so. There is no question that the the CPC wants a new program to train its staffers, and these current staffers are worried about maintaining their jobs in the party."

Can you say... panic?

By the way, I decided not to join.


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