Saturday, July 25, 2009

It's Saturday in Ottawa

There are two ways to tell if it is Saturday in the Nation's capital.

The first is to look at the sky. If it is raining, it's Saturday.

The second is to look at page A6 of the local newsrag. Sure enough on A6 of today's bird cage liner is an innocuous article touting FinMin Flaherty saying that Canada's has turned the corner on the recession -- green shoots are showing -- things are looking rosy. Buried in the article is a toss away line stating that the deficit for 2009 has been pegged at a measly $75 billion.


Flaherty told us a few weeks ago that the deficit would be about $50 billion., Now it is 50% higher at $75 billion? Can't this guy count? Or is he just a serial liar?

In the space of 10 months, Flaherty and the Con government have gone from predicting surpluses to small deficits to large deficits to, now, a humongous deficit. And I wager to say that he is not finished yet.

In his last update, before this one, Flaherty touted that the deficit would only be $85 billion over the next 5 years. He poopooed the bank economist who said it will be more like $156 billion. Now he is up to $75 billion in the first of the 5 years and there is no end in site.

Is that what you want from a government?

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