Monday, October 26, 2009

Conwest... the voice of the few

Today's headline in the Calgary Herald blared the message that Liberal and NDP ridings all across this great nation have received more funding than Con ridings from something called the Knowledge Infrastructure Program.  KIP is a program from Industry Canada which has earmarked 12 billion of taxpayers dollars for colleges and universities across Canada.

While it may be true that more total dollars has gone to non-Con ridings, Conwest forgot to mention that the vast majority of colleges and universities are located in non-Con ridings.

But never let it be said that statistics are not the refuge of the stupid.  Conwest could, but did not, point out that while Alberta, with a population of less than15% than that in Ontario, received almost as many grants as Ontario (47 in Alberta and 56 in Ontario),  In fact all four western provinces, with less that half that of Ontario received almost twice as many grants as Ontario.  Quebec, where Cons are busting their humps to gain seats, received half of all the grants in the country.

Congratulations Conwest.  You have shown your bias yet once again.  No wonder you are bankrupt

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