Sunday, March 16, 2008

Time for another prediction.

A weekend newspaper article leads me to this latest set of predictions.

Prediction One is that MDA and RADARSAT2 will not be sold to an American firm - at least not yet. And Prediction Two is that the Chuck Cadman bribery allegations will die out soon.

These two prediction have one thing in common. What is that, you may ask? The answer is Art Hanger, the lovable muppet-like MP from Alberta.

Art is the chairman of the justice committee that wants to study the Cadman misunderstanding. The Cons did nothing wrong and the PM of Canada's Greatest Government (TM), often referred to as CGG, is so lilly white that its crap don't stink, so every time the opposition on the justice committee even mentions Cadman under their breath, Art runs from the committee meeting like his hair is on fire, thus thwarting the actions of the committee. This tactic is on page 17 of the PM's booklet on ways to screw up parliamentary committees.

But what does Art have to do with the sale of MDA and RADARSAT2? On Friday, Art let loose with an opinion that CGG is making a mistake to sell MDA. Since we know that Cons in parliament are not allowed to utter a word unless the PMO vets it, then Art must to doing the bidding of the PM.

So if Art leads the charge to cancel or postpone the sale of MDA, then the pressure will come off him with the justice committee.

Smart guy this Art Hanger?

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