Monday, March 24, 2008

Tories Con us again

I wonder when the the electorate of this country will wake up and realize that the Conservative government are playing us like a fiddle and are making a mockery of Parliament?

They have taken a budget bill and made it a confidence motion. That is fair enough. It is a money bill and that does involve confidence. The bill is not too bad on its own so it would probably pass the House. But that is NOT WHAT THE CONS WANT!!!!!!

They are attaching, American-style, a couple of Immigration clauses to the bill; clauses which are not confidence matters and are sure to raise the ire of the opposition. So now this innocuous budget bill is an omnibus (American-terminology) and is still a matter of confidence.

The only confidence in this bill is the confidence-men behind it. This is government for the sewers and one more reason that I believe that Harper is the worst, and most dishonest. PM we have ever had.

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