Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dr. Perfect PP

So here I am in Vancouver, the home of the crazies and who should I hear a story about but the Perfect PP, Pierre Poilievre, the mighty mouse Con MP for Nepean Carleton. What could PP have said that could possibly get the tongues wagging on the Left Coast? Seems that PP has decided that, in addition to his training as a Con mouth piece and bum boy for many of the lesser-known Con politicos, he is now a qualified mental health doctor.

"I think that if people want this medically unnecessary treatment, they have that right. But taxpayers should not have to pick up the tab for it," spouts Perfect PP. What ever could he be talking about?

PP has his shorts in a knot over the 8 or 10 sex change operations performed in Ontario every year. It doesn't matter to PP that these procedures are deemed necessary by medical and mental health professionals who subject applicants for the procedure to strict evaluation. It also doesn't matter to PP that the total bill for the procedures is in the range of $170,000 per year out of a health care budget of billions of dollars.

PP wants the federal government to withhold medical funding transfers to Ontario until they come up to his standard.

Funny thing is that PP is actually an Alberta transplant to Nepean Carleton but he does not seem to apply his same logic to Alberta which also funds the procedures. It is also a funny thing that he does not attack the Canadian military which agreed to fund this type of procedure a couple of years back.

Can you spell "election pandering"?

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