Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nominee for Doofus-of-the-decade

If I were David Warren, the seer in seer-suckers and three-times-per-week columnist for the Ottawa Citizen, I would be a bit ashamed of my ignorance.

His recent piece on Forgettable Men was a shot at everyone except himself. Some of the shots were deserved; others, like his comment that "...Liberals in power have been bad news for Canada, since 1963," were sadly over the top.

Warren uses his column to find an excuse for the bone-head Maxie Bernier by slanting the story onto the backs of Liberals. Who cares why Bernier was dumped, asks Warren. "I care," he answers his own question. Why does he care? Is it because state confidential documents were let loose? NO. Was it because Harper had knowledge of the situation all the while he abused the opposition who asked about it? NO. It was because the scandal... err, misunderstanding, could result in the failure of Harper to win a majority government and maybe let the big bad Liberals back in power. OOOOhhh. How scary is that, Davie?

While I would be the last person to say that the Liberals have been squeaky clean, to say that the have been bad news for Canada since 1963, as does Davie, is a bit of a nose-stretcher. The Liberals have been good for this country... better, I dare say, than the GST-loving, NAFTA-failing, don't care about anything but winning, Conservatives have been.

Lying' Brian, Joe Who, Flash Campbell and Harpo. These must be Warrens heroes.

There is a train out of town at 6 AM, Davie. We would all appreciate if you were on it

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