Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cons are trying again to con Canadians

In the 2006 election that brought Harper to power, the Conservatives vowed to run an open and transparent government, unlike those pesky Libs, and to stop the habit of buying our votes with our own money, which is what he accused the pesky Libs of doing.

Fast forward to 2008 and the pending election that will be called in a few days.

Environment Minister "Screamer" Baird has just announced $13 million of our own money to help solve a sewage issue in Ottawa; a problem that will cost over $50 million just to get under control, let alone fix.  Also, Harper is about to announce an investment of up to $200 million of our own money in subsidies to Ford and GM.  This is on the heals of Finance Minister Flaherty saying that Ontario is the last place in the world anyone would want to invest.

And in the spirit of open government, Harper will call the election just as Election Canada will enter very damaging evidence in the In and Out Lawsuit that the Cons launched against Election Canada.  The election call will force Elections Canada to delay the new evidence until after the election.  We might just re-elect criminals?

And there is a chance that they might get re-elected?  Only if the Liberals are too stunned to fight a real election and not just a referendum on their Green Shift.

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