Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Vitriol on the airwaves

I am the last person to suggest that the airwaves need to be censored but something needs to be done about the way talking heads on CFRA are allowing their callers to make slanderous and libelous comments and statements under the anonymity of the phone booth.

Shame on the heads for not stopping the rants before they slipped into the high end of the lunacy scale. Have you no professional integrity? Do you not recognize hate speech when you are slapped in the face by it? Are you so dense that you have not realized the power that you are wielding with no regard for truth, fairness, the rule of law or even common decency.

On Lowell Green's show today he lamented that no Libs or NDPers were calling him. When one did, he began to crap all over the guy; cutting off his every thought and asking the misleading questions that characterize his partisan style.

I feel sorry for Capt Sandy who advertises a ship cruise to France and Belgium on Green's show. The cruise sound fabulous but 62% of the potential customers for cruise will refuse to take part in anything that Green promotes.

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