Monday, January 12, 2009

On the Eve... or the Cusp?

Over the past few weeks certain members of the Harper clutch have made statements that should cause Canadians to stand up and take notice.

Just before Harper prorogued parliament (OK, the GG signed the deal, but it was all a Harper deal.), Screamer Baird told CBC that the government would "go over the heads of the House and the Crown" to get what they wanted.  He meant that since he had his mandate through an election that his only duty was to the people.  That is charming and politically correct, but is NOT democratic in our current system.

Not to be outdone, Harper reminded us time and time again that socialists and separatists were the scourge of our system and had no place anywhere near his Purer-than-Ivory Soap government.  He would invite the Liberals to offer ideas on a revamped budget but only if the Liberals denounced the socialists and separatists along with him.  Dion told him to bug off, and rightly so.

Now I am not one to promote conspiracy theories but you cannot overlook the direection that Harper and his band of Angry Men are taking Canada.  The abyss looms wide and very, very deep.

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