Saturday, January 31, 2009

A little unsolicited advice to NFLD Liberals

Hey Judy and Andrew, hate to have to tell you this but you are federal MPs not provincial MPs.  The budget that you will vote against is a budget for all of Canada, not just Newfoundland and Labrador.

It may be true that N-L will lose some future money thanks to the Harper Cons but let's not take it out on Canadians.

Vote for the budget with very public reservations.  Tell Canadians that you are doing this for them.  That will give you the credibility to then fight for the rights of Newfoundlanders.

Reality bites.  Harper is a crook and Cons are Harper lemnings.  They will not change teir ways before the budget vote,  Why give them the satisfaction of having a budget for Canadians defeated by Liberals.  And kid yourselves.  If the vote fails it will be put on the back of Liberals.  Flakee and his Dipper and Dull-garcon's BQers are already on the record of being against Canadians.  Are you going to add your names to that list?

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