Thursday, September 17, 2009

Con mouthpiece Tim Powers steps in it -- yet again

In a piece defending the fact that Harper was not met at the White House door by Obama, Powers says this,
"The “nothing better to do society” has contrived that Canada has been snubbed because the President didn’t answer the door at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Yup, gotta be that. God forbid the President was actually working on, oh say, fighting a war in Afghanistan, plotting economic recovery or maybe trying to sell health care. Damn it, he should have answered the door!"

Have to agree with Tim on one account.  The President was probably working on domestic affair, as he should.

However Tim also raises the question of; Why was Harper in Washington when we have our own war, economic and health care issues up here in Canada?  Not to mention body bags, drunk pot-head former MPs, etc. etc.

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