Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So much for "guess who"

With these latest court rulings that demand that anonymous bloggers be named, one has to wonder what goes next?

Will callers to CFRA have to identify themselves and swear an oath to that identity? That may not be a bad thing as many of the loyal Green callers would never dare call in on that basis.

What about the editorials in the newspaper? We never know who actually writes the editorials. We know who writes the letters to the editor but not the editorials. Hmmm.

In the Ottawa Citizen, some person writes about government under the fictitious name Mr. X. I wonder how his/her colleagues will feel when he/she is outed?

What about letters to Santa Claus? How does Saint Nick really know if Bobby's signature is real or if his Mom wrote the letter for him? Maybe Bobby does not really want the puppy and a pearl necklace.

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