Thursday, September 10, 2009

It is all so stupid

Don Martin's blurb in the Nat Post is a real pisser for anyone who follows Canadian politics.  It is obvious that Don doesn't.  Maybe he has been out of the country for the last couple of years -- which would make him less a Canadian, apparently, that other Canadians, according to his Prime Minister.

In his latest slag, he, again, rants on Liberals for calling the third election in three years.   Three problems with that, Don.   The first is that the Liberals can neither call an election (that is up to the Governor-General, or did you not know that?)  nor force an election by themselves because it takes all three Opposition parties to do that (plain math skill, Don!).  The second problem is that you seem to have not noticed (maybe you were at Harvard or Cambridge or something?) that it was Harper who forced the last TWO elections, even breaking HIS OWN election timing law!  The third is that the country should have an election when its government does not reflect its values and priorities or when the government is corruptly running the country.

Take your pick, Don.

PS.  Don't forget that you need your passport to get back in the country.

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