Saturday, October 18, 2008

Reality Bites for Harper

The election was on Tuesday and by Friday the veneer of the Harper government has already begun to be stripped away.

Harper mocked Dion during the campaign that his (Dion's) five point plan to address the issue of the economic problems Canada is facing was the result of a Dion panic attack.  Within 40 minutes of the end of the election, Harper announced a six point plan, essentially parroting what Dion had proposed.  One pivotal point in Harper's plan was to meet and consult with the provincial premiers, something that he did not in the previous 2 years.  Seems that the premiers are meeting next week, in part to discuss the economy, and guess who is a no-show?  Harper's  has to take the kids out Trick or Treating to get back into the wife's books of his wife.  Laureen really likes arts and theatre galas.  I guess a hearty handshake is not enough for a woman scorned.

But not satisfied with only being a bozo, Harper decided that he would would make himself into a liar by musing that the government might have to go into a deficit in 2009-10; and maybe even for the following three years - a situation that he claimed would never happen with his fiscally prudent government.  After all, he is a economist, so he knows.  Time to turn in your Canadian Tire diploma, Steve?

Stay tuned.  I bet this gets better.

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