Monday, October 6, 2008

Talking about panic!

Here is the message coming out of the Cons with respect to Newfoundland and Labrador: “Voting ABC (Anything-But-Conservatives is a Danny Williams initiative) will hurt Ottawa, but it will hurt Newfoundland even more. Isolating ourselves from Canada is not an option.”

Too bad that Harper didn't think of that before he decided to treat NL like a puppy by smacking it in the nose for not fetching his favourite blue sweater.

How can not having a Con MP in Ottawa hurt them?  Harper can always name a Senator from NL and put him in the cabinet.  He is quite experienced in that activity. 

And anyway, what does it matter?  Harper and the Cons are struggling to a minority government so he will just quick snap another election anyway.  After all, if you don't give it to him when he asks, he will hound you until you do.  Just like a kitty, bawling for kibble.

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