Monday, May 25, 2009

Poilievre comes dirty

Our esteemed MP in Nepean-Carleton, the inimitable Pierre, the Perfect PP, has shown his true colours on the environment. He is not green... he is nuclear red.

In a recent forum he told a group of residents what they wanted to hear... wind power is dangerous and must be banned. He went further to claim that nuclear is both clean and safe.

Can you say bonehead?

Wind power turbines are environmentally safe. For every one person affected by low frequency vibration or the so-called flicker effect, there are hundred of thousands who benefit from the technology and millions who's health depends on it.

If not alternative fuels like solar or wind, what will be our source of energy in the future. Coal? Nuclear? Tar sands?

Wind farms are not pretty... but would you prefer a nuclear plant three kilometers from your home? There are ways to mitigate the visual effects of wind farms. Ask the folks in Nottingham, UK who twenty years ago fought a farm until it was shown that, given time, the growth of trees in and around their property would obstruct the view of the farms. A natural solution to the issue.

Some experts promote coal-fired generators with stack scrubbers to eliminate the gases and ash. But do you want one in your backyard?

And nuclear?! Come on Pierre. Get real. Nuclear has been around for sixty or so years. We still can't figure out how to dispose of the spent nuclear fuel. Want the rods buried in your back yard?

And what about safe?

According to Greenpeace, "Contrary to the industry´s claim that nuclear facilities are safe, 63 major accidents have occurred at nuclear power plants. Twenty-nine accidents have occurred since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, and 71 percent of all nuclear accidents, that is, 45 out of 63, occurred in the United States, refuting the notion that severe accidents cannot happen within the country or that they have not happened since Chernobyl." 

But don't just look outside Canada, check out what is happening at nearby Chalk River?  Heavy water has been leaking into the Ottawa River on and off for years.

It is time for politicians, such as our local boy, to come clean (so to speak) with residents.

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