Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hyper-partisans beware

I went to a Con love-in last night where the two poster-children for hyper-partisanship took turns sniping at Liberals.  Well snipe is not quite right.  They were close to being vicious.

I got home about 9 PM and picked up my latest book read.  It is called Blue Thunder, The truth about Conservatives from MacDonald to Harper.  I am not sure about the title.  Thunder is really just the sounds of the Gods bowling.  Maybe Bob Plamondon is trying to tell us that politics is a game to Cons?

Anyway, I read a small passage that could not have been better focused on this evenings spectacle and in fact what is floating around the Hill and Queen's Park these days, including those lame attack ads from the Cons in Ottawa.

Prime Minister Robert Borden, a Con PM for whom I have great respect, was trying to steer Canada through the Great War.  The Conscription Act made his hide as popular in Quebec as syphilis.  He tried to create a coalition government with the Liberals which resulted in something called the Union government.  While he was trying to win over Liberal leader Laurier, he made the following comment:

"Political partisanship is closely allied with absolute stupidity."

Maybe Lisa and PP should read the book?

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