Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cons slowly imploding

For a government that recently dragged a Liberal MP over the coals for her alleged treatment of a couple of nannies, the federal Cons sure are sensitive over the Raitt misunderstanding.

The Cons invited two well rehearsed nannies to give a tearful account of their ordeal at the hands of Ruby Dhalla.  Never mind that the nannies could not keep their story straight or that the Cons refused to hear evidence that countered the claims of the nannies.  They wanted Dhalla's reputation to be destroyed and, as far as they are concerned, all is fair in politics -- as long as the shoe is not on the other foot.

Now comes Raitt-gate.  Just in case you have been on Mars or something, let me fill you in on this issue.  With the economy in a shambles, an AECL nuclear reactor shut down for a long time and maybe forever, with Canadians beginning to miss treatments and diagnostics because of the lack of isotopes from that reactor and with MDS Nordion (the packager of the isotopes and formerly a part of AECL) suing AECL for over $1 billion, Raitt is caught on tape by her own communications denizen saying that the file is sexy and is her ticket to the big desk in the Cabinet Room.  Not only that but she calls her colleague, the Health Minister, everything but a gutless wonder.  Now the rumour is that she also was taped slamming another colleague by the name of Prentice because he is pandering to the major polluters in the oil sands -- which is her job and not that of the Albertan named Prentice.

All this came on the heels of that same Raitt communications person leaving a file of secret documents with respect to AECL in a TV studio for almost a week.

So what do the Dhalla-attacking Cons say about all this when asked a question by Iggy?  Harper accused Iggy and the Liberals of playing cheap politics on the issue.

BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  Harper should have been a comedian rather than an economist -- although his handling of the economy is no joke.

All this is a clear signal that the Cons are bereft of ideas and well past their best-before date.

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