Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Oh, BooHoo

Did you catch Lisa Raitt making her apology tonight?  "When I was 11, my father died of cancer..." -- and on she sniffed telling us that calling cancer sexy is OK because of deaths in her family due to cancer.

It won't wash, Lisa.  My father died of brain cancer that metastasized from his kidneys.  Does that make it OK for me to boast that cancer is my way to the top in politics?

Why couldn't she just say that it was a mistake?  She made a mistake and was sorry for it.  That would be the honest thing to say.  Why not say it?

The answer to that question is that politicians have turned politics into a war.  It is a take no prisoners battle on the Hill.  We are sounding and acting more like Americans every day.

From Baird's f-off, to Poilievre's tar-baby to Lisa's sexy, politics is a no-holds barred game.  And just in case you think that I am exempting other parties, I am not.  The problem is endemic on the Hill, at Queen's Park and everywhere that two or more politicians and their advisers gather.

Hyper-partisans... be gone!

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