Monday, June 15, 2009

A tax on us all to pander to the uninformed?

To say that these so-called attack ads the the Cons are aiming at Iggy are lame, would be charitable.  They are slightly right of stupid.  But, you know, the ads are not aimed at me or possibly at you.  Attack ads are aimed at those folks that do not follow, or care to follow, political debate or happenings and get their news from TV.

Fair enough, I suppose.  Lead them by the nose until you win their minds?  Pretty callus way to treat the serious business of governance, but then all parties have done it once or twice.  The Cons are just the masters of the black-art.

Let's look at the realistic side of attack ads.  The Cons say that they are paying for the ads and maybe they are.  But who funds the Cons and how is that funding received?  The reality is that you and I are funding the Cons attack ads.  The ads, by some estimates, have cost around $3 million so far.  Since contributions to political parties receive tax receipts equal to seventy five percent of the contribution, that means that there will be approximately $2.2 million in subsidy through the tax department to fund the stupidity.

Did anyone ask you if you wanted to contribute to the attack ads?  They certainly did not ask me.

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