Monday, June 22, 2009

Wsetern Premiers to the rescue - PART 2

Here is a news flash for you.  Harper and the gang that can't legislate straight have decided that the nuclear industry is toxic to them.  Oh sure, they promote nukes as an alternative energy source and think that isotopes are sexy, but they are planning to sell off AECL's non-toxic divisions to the French or the Americans and then bury the isotope project deep underground.  "We are getting out of the isotope business," declared Harper.

Now Brad Wall, Premier of Saskatchewan, is jumping to the rescue.  He wants to take over the isotope businesss from AECL and move it all to U of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.  Great idea.  Go for it Brad.  But -- wait for it -- Brad wants the feds to pay the majority of the costs.

This is a deal that Harper cannot resist.  It has all the earmarks of political success except for two things; 1) there are very few more seats in Saskatchewan for the Cons to buy and 2) once you are sucked in to funding nukes in Saskatchewan, you are on the hook forever -- and that does not square with the "getting out the isotope business" statement.

It also, you can bet your navel fuzz, is going to cheese off the governments of Ontario and Quebec if you move everything to Saskatchewan.  Ontario because they lose another industry and Quebec because they did not get it.

Welcome to Canada.


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