Monday, June 22, 2009

Why the NDP?

Seems to me that you go into politics to win.  When you are a party, you fight to win.  There is a second place in politics -- it is called Official Opposition.  There is no third place, especially if you are a perennial third placer and have less likelihood of every gaining power than Ozzie Osbourne (he of bat-eating fame) of getting an award from the SPCA.

So why do it?  Do you represent such a special view of confederation that, without you, Canada would die in great agony?  Nope, that can't be it.

Do you represent deep incite filled arguments when you announce that you will vote against anything and everything that the Cons put up for vote?  Nope that can't be it.

Do you have such panache and flair that Canadians can't do without you?  That's it.  Of course, it should have been obvious.  It's Jack's moustache.

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