Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bye, bye, Chrysler

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!

I have said it more than once, there is pain in this recession but there is also opportunity.

Chrysler is telling Canadians that they want labour concession, tax relief and billion in handouts from Canada or they will pull out.  It is time for the rubber to hit the road.

Chrysler owes Canada countless millions in back taxes.  We should take their plants and tooling as payment.  Then we turn these assets over to new companies who will use them to build the cars and trucks that we need.  We can even give them a billion or two as seed capital.

The new plants will be owned by the government of Canada and lease-to-own to the manufacturers.  The workers will be given a stake in the operation in return for NO UNIONS!

We need our own domestic auto industry.  Here is our chance.

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