Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ottawa goes Schizo

The citizens of the City of Ottawa had better sit down for a bit and figure where they live. Is it the City of Ottawa or Ottawa, the capital of Canada?

If it is the Nation's Capital, then they had better realize that two of the major tasks of the government of Canada is security and defense. Once they realize that, then maybe they will allow the defense folks to demonstrate and sell defense products to the defense department and the CSIS and to the RCMP and to the many police force across the country who attend major defense trade show.

And if they finally figure out the Ottawa is the nation's capital then they picket defense trade shows to their heart's content but they will not ban them.

But hey, this is a democracy. If Ottawans decide that this is just another pretty city on a river, rather than the nation's capital, then they will not gripe if the Defense Department moves to Kingston where they can be all that they can be; taking thousands of jobs and millions in taxes with them. It would follow. for the same reasons, that the RCMP and CSIS would follow them out of Ottawa.

And just in case you miss the point, I am talking to you, Alex Cullen.

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