Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dissing Obama?

Back on Feb 19, I wrote an entry that highlighted what the rabid right was doing to try and poo-poo the hope that President Obama was raising in the hearts and minds of the average US citizen.   This time I want to discuss what Obama is doing and why it is something to encourage rather than criticize.

I have said any times that Canadians (and Americans... and for that matter most Earthlings) consider themselves victims.  The government is doing this, the police are doing that - and always the people are the victims.

Part of that mentality comes from losing hope in our institutions.  I am the first person to admit that some institutions deserve scorn but maybe, just maybe, we can turn our attitudes and those of the "oppressors" taking charge of our lives, our governments or official, our companies, bosses and co-workers and holding them responsible for their actions and punish them when they transgress.

If a PM lies to us... fire his/her ass.  If an MP does not represent us with honour and compassion... recall his/her seat.  If a company manager is caught stealing... off to the local jail.

Once we regain control of our country and its institutions then maybe we can become, in our minds, less victimized.

OK, so what does this have to do with Obama?  Hope!  Dare to hope!  Dare to expect your government and institutions to serve you with honour and compassion.  Dare to hope that your food is uncontaminated, your water free of E-coli, your children not stalked by perverts and the newspapers tell it as it is ... not as they think it should be.

Obama deals in hope.  Canadians need hope.   Maybe we need Obama or someone like him?

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