Thursday, March 12, 2009

Papers, please!

For reasons only known to PM Harpo and his spiritual advisers, Canada is about to be returned to a police state by the Canada's Oh-so-Old-Government (TM).  For some ungodly reason, Harpy seems to think that the police, they of the taser, need to ability to arrest you for thinking about crime and holding you in jail for three days without a charge.

This harkens back to the 9/11 period when terrorists were suspected under ever rock and leaf.  What is the PM thinking?

Back in 1970, Trudeau implemented the War Measures Act to counter terrorists in Quebec.  When the incident was over, the Act was rescinded.  Can you imagine what the Cons would have said is a few years later the government re-enacted the Act.  They would have burst blood vessels screaming and cursing.

This blows.

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