Monday, March 16, 2009

Who's running this asylum, anyway?

When I went to bed last night I understood that the citizens paid taxes to the city who in turn hired people to provide services to the citizens.  By the time I woke up this morning the world had changed.

Seems, in Ottawa that the idea that the citizens paid taxes to the city who in turn hired bus drivers to provide us with a service, was all wrong.  According to the drivers and their union bosses, the drivers can do what ever they want to disrupt the services to the citizens and the city can do nothing about it.

The drivers call it "work-to-rule".  I call it stupid!

The city hires... so the city should also be able to fire.  The drivers do not want to work for the city and its citizens... fire them and get people who do!  What about the unions, you may ask?  Screw them!  They are doing it to us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said sir!!!!

Unions were most likely beneficial for people in the early 20th century but come on...this is the 21st century!!!

I beleive that with hardwork and dedication, employers will reward those who deserve and therefore will have the ability to remove those who do not.

In essence unions are the legal mafia...they charge protection to the employers and staff. If you do not agree with them, they will burn your business to the ground...or in Ottawa's case shut down public transport.

Keep up the good work Mysteryman!!