Friday, September 5, 2008

Harper slimes his way to Oct 14

Assuming that all the people who can know are right, then Stephen Harper will command the Governor General on Sunday to fire him, in the expectation that he will be rehired on October 14.  In case you are not following my wit - he is having an election called!

Why now?  Good question.  Here are a number of things that he achieves by calling the election:

1.  All bills before the house including: rights for fetuses, etc., die and he does not have to deal with them.

2.  Committees, especially those that Harper does not like (and that is almost all of them), are shut down.

3.  Any bad news that could come out the investigation/law suits he is directly involved with (including In and Out and Cadman) will not proceed during the election so any new evidence against him will not be revealed.

4.  The book by Julie Couillard, the former biker-chick and horizontal confident of Maxime Bernier, is being released on October 14.  (If she wants to make a bundle, release it on October 12!)

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