Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sparrow is the tip of the Con iceburg

Senior Conservative Party spokesman Ryan Sparrow has been suspended from the campaign after stating in an email message to CTV producer Jenna Fyfe that the father of a slain soldier who criticized Stephen Harper today was a Liberal and that his criticism of Harper's plan pull out from Afghanistan was politically motivated.

Jim Davis' son, Corporal Paul Davis, died in Kandahar in March of 2006.  Mr. Davis told CTV's Canada AM he was shocked by Mr. Harper's pull out comments. He said his son will have died in vain if Canada withdraws before its mission is complete.

So Sparrow was "suspended" from the campaign.  Not fired, mind you.  He was suspended - 2 minutes in the penalty box.

But this is not an isolated incident for the Cons.  Puffin-gate occurred last week when a Con web programmer decided that it would be funny to have a bird shit on Stephane Dion.

These actions; plus the fact that the Harper took the campaign negative before the writ was even dropped; plus the antics of various Con MPs such as my favourite, Perfect PP, all lead me to believe that the Cons think that they are entitled to govern.  Screw the voters - Cons are entitled to their entitlements.

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