Sunday, September 14, 2008

Harper's latest bloopers

Former PM Harper went to Newfoundland on Saturday and told an assemblage of the converted that Danny Williams, the Premier of NL with an 80% approval rating, that Danny was a liar.

He said Williams is lying about a closed-door conversation the two men had in 2007 – one where the Premier says Harper told him “he didn't need Newfoundland and Labrador to win an election.”

Harper's revision was, “I never said that at all. What I said was the contrary: I told Premier Williams some time ago I believe we're going to win the next election … and I want Newfoundland and Labrador to have a place in our government."

This is the PM that will do and say anything to win an election, even calling an illegal election.  I think that I know whom I believe.

Also this is the former PM who said in 2002, talking about maritimers, "There is a dependence in the region that breeds a culture of defeatism."

He then moved the campaign on to tell more Con devotees in Frederictonthat the country is more conservative but not quite as conservative as his Conservatives.  Therefore to win power he finds it necessary to "water down" some of his plans.  Want to bet that if he even won a majority government the water in his platform would be exported to the US?

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