Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Layton flip flops

The gutless wonder from the ultra-left has just made his biggest flip flop of this election season.  Jack Layton, the "leader" of the NDP declared that he would not take part in any debate that included Liz May of the Green Party.

Now he has changed his mind.  Why?  Is it because the term democratic is in his party's name?   Is it because it dawned on that the Greens represent 700,000 votes across Canada and that it is non-democratic to exclude them?  Is it because he misunderstood the situation or was misquoted (the two traditional ways out)?

NO, NO and NO.

He is flipping because the issue is dogging him on the election trail.  And how does he spin it?  "I don't care who is in the debate as long as the Conservatives are there."

You are quite the piece of work, Jack.

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