Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oh yea. I almost forgot...

The Cons made a big deal of announcing an apology and a grant of $2.5 million to Sikhs in BC over the Komagata Maru incident,  That incident affected about 200 Indian citizens (not Canadians) who tried to break a known Canadian law to get into this country.  (

Roll forward to 2008.   Defense Minister McKay is on his way to a meeting in Banff with many of his foreign counterparts when he stops long enough to tell reporters that 700 Canadian veterans of US Atomic Blast testing will be getting a one time payment of $24,000; this after 50 years of waiting.  Also included in the settlement were 200 Canadians who worked on decontamination cleanup at AECL in Chalk River following incidents in 1952 and 1958.

Why does McKay make his announcement now?  He wanted to make sure that the 50 year overdue settlement is not delayed by the upcoming election.  That is so kind to the vets.

And here I was thinking that the timing was used to grab a headline in preparation for the election.  Bad me!

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