Monday, September 29, 2008

Oh No! They will put my name in the paper!

The Cons "tough on crime" smokescreen is sure taking a beating. Vern White, the Ottawa Police Chief, stated yesterday that a 14 year old does not think about getting their name in the paper before they commit murder.

Even the judge that "inspired" the Harper law has come out publicly to say that what is proposed will not work. Putting 14 year old into jail for life sentences will turn them into more hardened criminal with NO chance of rehabilitation.

Statistics point out that the crime rate has been dropping over the past 5-10 years so why are more draconian laws required now?

The public is beginning to ask Harper and his Cons how much this fly swatter will cost us. The estimate for new prisons alone is over $2 billion.

Harper's claim that anyone who does not agree with him is "soft on crime" is starting to ring hollow. PP may find that out in the upcoming debates.

Now that Harper has decided that Canadians in foreign jails should be subject to execution, I wonder how long it will take for Harper to put the death penalty forward in Canada, if he gets a majority government?

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